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March 2, 2011
7:00 PM
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center


Members Present: Matt Kennedy, Robert Lowell, Michael Scott, Mark Helfrick, Anthony Costello, and Ken Strom

Members Absent: Michael Krikonis

Staff Present: Pam Harding

Others:  Timothy O’Rourk, NStar

The meeting began at 7:00 PM

7:00 p.m.  Amendment Request for Determination of Applicability NSTAR 1971-2077 Main Street – Tom O’Rourke from NSTAR requested to amend a condition of the Determination of Applicability issued in February which prohibit construction to begin prior to July 1, 2011.  NSTAR would like to have the gas line installed and operational by April 1, 2011, per request of the client.  

The Applicant stated a field survey determined gas main installation can occur above the culvert crossing, eliminating the need for dewatering.  R. Lowell made a motion to amend the Determination of Applicability by removing the July 1, 2011 start date with the condition that NSTAR is able to install the gas line above the culvert.  M. Scott seconded the motion, all were in favor 6-0.

Documents presented during review:
A letter from NSTAR dated February 23, 2011 referencing attached details, 12 pages
Available for viewing at the Department of Growth Management

Notice of Intent -  Quinapoxet Street  Jefferson Meadows, LLC – Removal of Fill  The public hearing was opened and the notice read into record.  Carl Hultgren, Quinn Engineering presented the plan to the Commission.  The plan entailed the crossing over an intermittent stream and excavation within the 100 foot buffer zone of a bordering vegetated wetland to remove fill from a 20 acre site.  There is an existing cart path with a culvert located at the proposed crossing.  The access roadway will be paved for 50’ from Quinapoxet Street south and the rest will be gravel construction with a riprap swale  along the perimeter leading to the infiltration pond.  The existing culvert will be removed and replaced with a bottomless arched culvert with retaining walls on both sides. The proposed area of excavation will eventually result in a contained depression.  All areas will be loamed and seeded after disturbance is complete.  The Applicant received a Special Permit from the Zoning Board of Appeals to conduct earth removal.  

 The wetlands were delineated by EcoTec in 2006.  There are no flag locations on the plan, just a wetland boundary.   The Applicant, Michael Hannon, stated he would have EcoTec reflag the wetland system prior to the Conservation Commissions site visit.  M. Kennedy informed the Applicant the delineation will have to be re-evaluated because it was conducted over three years ago.  The Commission cannot review the delineation until the snow melts.  The detention basin is sized to hold 1,032 cubic feet and should not have more than ½ a foot of standing water. There is approximately 300,000 cubic yards of sand being removed from the site, the timeframe for removal will depend on market conditions.  

        Details on the replication are limited. There is no information on wetland species for the area of fill or replication, the proposed 1,087 sq.ft. replication area only slightly exceeds the area of wetland fill, 984 sq. ft.   There is no proposed monitoring plan for the restoration area.     The isolated wetlands represented as the D series should be evaluated by EcoTec to determine if it is a vernal pool under the local bylaw.

  • Costello stated the intersection of the proposed gravel roadway with the cart path was to sharp for construction vehicles to navigate.  C. Hultgren stated he would increase the radius and extend the erosion controls accordingly.    
Oliver Briggs, 53 Fairview Ave. asked if the roadway and culvert would remain in place after the gravel operation was complete and what the future plans were for the property .  C. Hultgren stated the gravel access road and culvert would remain.  The ZBA required the installation of a gate at the entrance.  The access road could be utilized as a driveway for a single family home, all other proposed uses would require additional applications, hearings and approvals from various Boards/Commissions.

Linda Christanski, 104 Quinapoxet Street, was concerned additional drainage and sedimentation from the site would negatively affect the sewer system and clog her water heater.   C. Hultgren informed her that Quinapoxet Street is at a much higher elevation than the subject property and she should not be affected.  

JoEllen MacPherson, 50 Fairview Ave. would like her property to remain the same, no more or less water.  

M. Kennedy asked if the existing culvert is overtopped or restricts the flow of water upgradient from the existing cart parth.  C. Hultgren stated there was no evidence of this.  Stewart MacPherson asked about precautions for gas leaks, oil spills etc, this issue is addressed in the SWPPP which is included on the plans.  

A site walk will be schedule when weather permits.  The site visit will be posted forty-eight hours prior to the walk, and M. Hannon gave permission for abutters to attend.  

The hearing was continued to the April 6, 2011 meeting at 7:00 p.m.  

Documents presented during review:
Driveway Construction Plan, in Holden, Mass Quinapoxet Street Prepared by Quinn Engineer, Inc. for Jefferson Meadows, LLC with a date of February 14, 2011 available for viewing at the Department of Growth Management

Discussion of Wetlands Bylaw and Regulations A public hearing for the creation of Regulations cannot be conducted until the Wetlands Bylaw is amended at Town Meeting due to conflicting filing requirements for RDA’s.

 The Commission reviewed Bylaw changes and requested “the Act” be elaborated on in the Vernal Pool definition, and Extensions of Time be allowed upon review and approval of the Commission.  No public hearing of the Conservation Commission for the Bylaw is necessary, the Conservation Commission refers the Bylaw to the Board of Selectmen to be placed on the warrant, the Board of Selectmen will hold a public hearing for the warrant articles.  If the Bylaw changes are accepted at Town Meeting the Conservation Commission will conduct a public hearing for the adoption of Regulations.  The Commission will review the final Bylaw at the April 6 meeting prior to submitting it as an Article for Town Meeting.

Stormwater Management By-law and Regulations – The Commission reviewed the latest version of the Stormwater Management Bylaw and Regulations.  The Erosion and Sedimentation Control requirements are duplicated in the Commission’s Regulations.  The Vernal Pool definition should be consistent in the Wetlands and Stormwater Management Bylaws.  R. Lowell made a motion to support adoption of the Stormwater Management and Erosion Control Bylaw, A. Costello seconded the motion, all were in favor 5-0,   M Helfrick obstained because of unfamiliarity.  

Use of Filing Fees Collected under the Wetlands Protection Act
The utilization of filing fee must be related to the Commission responsibilities under the Wetlands Protection Act.   The Commission was informed an argument could be made to support the purchase of a laptop because it will be utilized to display wetland locations, grading and drainage areas while reviewing applications.

R. Lowell made a motion to approve the February 9, 2011 minutes, M. Helfrick seconded the motion, the motion passed 6-0 in favor.  

M. Scott made a motion to adjourn.  M. Krikonis seconded the motion, the motion passed 6-0, all in favor.

The meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM.

The next meeting is scheduled for April 6, 2011.

The March 2, 2011 Minutes were approved on April 6, 2011.

Pamela Harding, Conservation Agent